What Vaisakhi Means to Me

As a naturally chatty person Vaisakhi makes me want to be quiet, it makes me want to reflect: reflect on what I learned and I am still learning about myself, my faith and my spiritual self, and also on the changes that have occurred in the last year and the years before them.

Conversely, the Naagar Kirtan (procession) which is part of the Vaisakhi celebrations I find a lot less introspective…  with people EVERYWHERE, free food, and depending on where you are in the crowd it can either feel peaceful(ish) or feel rather chaotic. I will always be in awe of those who walk bare foot even in the rain and (in some years) snow!

Vaisakhi for me, especially now I am older, is healing. It is about more than going to the Gurdwara, Naagar Kirtan or seeing or not seeing family.

at it’s core it is about faith, and with that a bitter-sweet gratitude for all that is and all that was and all that will be. 

Project Manager at NN and CUF

Nudrat Mughal